Marvel/DC Comic Reboots

22 06 2011

I complain a lot about TV shows and movies getting rebooted. It’s actually not so bad. Well, when you compare that to the Tits & Spandex comics of North America.

The N.A. Comic Industry feels like there’s a big red REBOOT button that’s helmed by one of those dipping-bird contraptions. Marvel used to “relaunch” their titles every couple of years, it seems, and DC was the king of multiple universes….until they got rid of all of them. Or something to the likes. I don’t really remember anymore.

Recently, the DC Universe decided to take 52 of their titles and bring everything back to square one by rebooting them all.

How anyone can get emotionally invested with any characters if all they’re just going to reboot it a few years down the road is beyond me.

But I digress, what ACTUALLY sparked this post was a picture of the new Nightwing that I stumbled upon.

Odd that they would decide to go with a costume design that’s so reminiscent of the version featured in the movie that killed the theatrical franchise. Or were they thinking that nobody would notice because the movie was mentally blocked by our collective memories?



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